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April 19th - May 20th

The Sun shines in Taurus, and with Venus (ruler), now at home, we can feel like taking a breath of fresh air, integrating the deep transformations that the fire of eclipse season brought about in our lives.

Taurus calls for serenity, relaxation, and perceiving divinity manifesting through the sensorial experience of being in a physical body: music, silence, sensuality, a kiss, a drop of honey, the endless horizon, the medicinal perfumes of nature.

It is a time of earthly splendor, and we can delight in the warm colors of Spring and the delicious gifts that come with it (mangos and exquisite sunsets included).

Taking the time to slow down and find silence and serenity, connect with the wisdom, innocence, and instinctual animal within, contemplating the mirror of life reflecting back to us the profound breakthroughs that we have experienced.

Putting our feet in the soil, re-experiencing life through the senses and integrating mind-spirit-heart- and body. The butterfly is now out of the cocoon, learning how to care for her renewed vessel. Keeping it healthy, flexible, and strong; now finding pleasure in her own presence, fluttering her wings discovering the warm currents of winds, with no need to become, just to be, and to let be.

Taurus season is a time of inner rootedness and outer growth. An invitation to appreciate beauty and the lushness of existence with a deliberate focus on the tangible and the truly enduring aspects in our lives.

“I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.”– Emma Goldman

“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”– Khalil Gibran

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